Things have been a tad bit crazy here, but the craziness was all for a good cause. I am putting the finishing touches on my first ever Biggest Loser Transformation Challenge.
What is the Biggest Loser Transformation Challenge?
This transformation challenge is a chance for participants to change their lives. Permanently. Led by a Personal Trainer and Nutrition Consultant, participants will have the opportunity to lose weight, have fun, and change their lives for the better
Each week there will be a new challenge issued to participants. This will be issued on Monday and need to be completed by Friday to be eligible for that weeks prize and to also become eligible for the final prize.
Participants will be required to purchase a Transformation Package. ($99+shipping)
What's included in the transformation Package?
30 day supply of Shake mix
Meal planning and grocery lists
One on one support from a personal trainer
Personalized exercise plan
100 Shake Recipe e-book
Fitness Ebook
Private Facebook Group
What are the Prizes?
The grand prize is going to be valued at around $250-$300 depending on sponsors. Once I have more solid info I will post it. Weekly prizes will range from free products to gift cards to PayPal cash.
When does the challenge Start?
August 1st 2012
When Does The Challenge end?
November 1st (Just in time to look hot for the holidays)
When are sign ups available?
Sign up is open now thru July 25th
How do I sign up?
Send an email to with BL Challenge in the subject.
Sign ups are limited, so get your email in today!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
I need to quit eating like this...
How many times have you uttered those exact same words while sitting in the drive-thru line at your favorite resturant? Or as you polished off a bag of chips? I would guess you've said that at least one time. And, if you are like me, you've probably said it numerous times. And you do stop. For a day or two. But, it isn't long before you find yourself right back in the same old eating pattern. And then, the cycle repeats.
Food addiction is a very real and very serious thing. And unfortunately, along with other eating disorders, is hardly talked about and often ignored.
But, the thing is, you can't ignore it. You may alter some things in your life and things might get better for a short time, but it comes back. The saying goes "Once an addict, always the addict." Ask any recovering drug addict or recovering alcoholic and they will likely say the same thing. An addiction is a hard thing to shake. But, it can be done.
You just have to want it. You have to learn to be bigger than your addiction. And you have to be willing to face some things in your life that you may not want to face. But in order to get a grasp on your food addiction--or any addiction for that matter--you have to face down your demons.
I don't share a lot about my past anywhere. My husband is the only person who knows everything about my past. My mom, whose my best friend, doesn't know everything. Nor my dad who I lived with for a few years after my oldest was born. Yes, the demons are that big.
I mention them now, because I haven't faced them down. I have confronted several of them, but there are still some that are much bigger than I am. And they are affecting my life. Again.
But, the difference between this time and the other times, is that I can recognize that I have an issue and I can deal with it. I know what I need to do to face them. And I will do it. It's a matter of finally realizing that I deserve the happiness I am so desperately seeking. We all do.
So, as the song from Third Eye Blind, Jumper, goes:
Everyone's got to face down the demons,
Maybe today,
We can put the past away,
Food addiction is a very real and very serious thing. And unfortunately, along with other eating disorders, is hardly talked about and often ignored.
But, the thing is, you can't ignore it. You may alter some things in your life and things might get better for a short time, but it comes back. The saying goes "Once an addict, always the addict." Ask any recovering drug addict or recovering alcoholic and they will likely say the same thing. An addiction is a hard thing to shake. But, it can be done.
You just have to want it. You have to learn to be bigger than your addiction. And you have to be willing to face some things in your life that you may not want to face. But in order to get a grasp on your food addiction--or any addiction for that matter--you have to face down your demons.
I don't share a lot about my past anywhere. My husband is the only person who knows everything about my past. My mom, whose my best friend, doesn't know everything. Nor my dad who I lived with for a few years after my oldest was born. Yes, the demons are that big.
I mention them now, because I haven't faced them down. I have confronted several of them, but there are still some that are much bigger than I am. And they are affecting my life. Again.
But, the difference between this time and the other times, is that I can recognize that I have an issue and I can deal with it. I know what I need to do to face them. And I will do it. It's a matter of finally realizing that I deserve the happiness I am so desperately seeking. We all do.
So, as the song from Third Eye Blind, Jumper, goes:
Everyone's got to face down the demons,
Maybe today,
We can put the past away,
Friday, July 13, 2012
P90X2/TurboFire Hybrid Schedule: Week One
As promised, here is my first week of my P90X2/TurboFire Hybrid Schedule that I am starting July 16th. It's going to be intense, but I know that the end result will be well worth it
July 16th: X2 Core and Fire 30/Stretch 10
July 17th: Plyocide and HIIT 15
July 18th: X2 Recovery and Mobility and Core 20
July 19th: X2 Total Body and Stretch 40
July 20th: X2 Yoga and Sculpt 30/Tone30
July 21st: Rest Day
If you are interested in joining me, let me know!!
July 16th: X2 Core and Fire 30/Stretch 10
July 17th: Plyocide and HIIT 15
July 18th: X2 Recovery and Mobility and Core 20
July 19th: X2 Total Body and Stretch 40
July 20th: X2 Yoga and Sculpt 30/Tone30
July 21st: Rest Day
If you are interested in joining me, let me know!!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
TurboFire/P90X2 Hybrid
Up until this point, I have been working out at my local gym. It has been the perfect situation. Summer Camp for the two older kids and the younger two either utilized the daycare in the gym or, like this past week, spent time at a babysitter's house.
But, like most things lately, there have been some changes. The boys will no longer be attending summer camp and my babysitter didn't work out, so it means the kids are home with me until school starts.
Of course, this means that I need to change up my workouts. So, starting Monday, I am going to be doing a TurboFire/P90X2 Hybrid. Yes, that means at least 3 days a week of 2 a-day-workouts. The good part about this is that I should hopefully see my weight loss speed up a little bit.
I will be posting my workout schedule tomorrow or Saturday. If you want to do this hybrid or one of the programs alone, let me know! I would love some accountability.
But, like most things lately, there have been some changes. The boys will no longer be attending summer camp and my babysitter didn't work out, so it means the kids are home with me until school starts.
Of course, this means that I need to change up my workouts. So, starting Monday, I am going to be doing a TurboFire/P90X2 Hybrid. Yes, that means at least 3 days a week of 2 a-day-workouts. The good part about this is that I should hopefully see my weight loss speed up a little bit.
I will be posting my workout schedule tomorrow or Saturday. If you want to do this hybrid or one of the programs alone, let me know! I would love some accountability.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Follow your heart
This really isn't a fitness post, per say, but it's relevant none the less and I wanted to share it with you all.
I lead a fairly private life outside of my fitness journey online. I can count on one hand the number of people that know the details of what's happened in my family over the last 12 months. And, honestly, I prefer it that way. Because all of that isn't who I am, it doesn't define me. And when people think about me or hear my name, I don't want them to associate it with things that have happened. And let's be honest, I am a mom. Someday, my children will read what I put online. And it's my job to protect them. So, I lead a pretty private life.
For the last month, I've been dealing with this feeling that my life is unfullfilled. Yes, I have 4 amazing children, I have a growing fitness business, and a husband, and those things mean the world to me. But,I want more. I have this thirst that I haven't been able to quench. There's been this tug in my heart to do something different. Something more. And I have been ignoring it. I have a lot on my plate as a mother and wife. Not to mention everything that comes with building a business. The last thing that I wanted to do was add to my plate. But, no matter how hard I tried, that tug wouldn't lessen. In fact, even as I prepared to launch Melissa Austin Fitness, that tug became harder. More pronounced. I still brushed it off. I told myself "You are launching your fitness business. You have a million and one things that need to be dealt with. You don't have time to follow this tug." Things in my life have been extremely hard. And I have prayed about the issues lying on my mind. I asked for a sign. Something. Something to tell me that I was on the right path, and that things would get better.
Today, the tug was hard to ignore. I started thinking that maybe, just maybe this was the sign that I was looking for. So, I decided to pay attention to the tug. I took out my pen and paper and mapped out, over four pages, what it was I wanted to do. I looked up the domain name I had decided on for this project. And, it was available. The ideas continued to flow. I was excited. And for the first time in a few days, I was smiling. If that wasn't the sign I was looking for....
So, yes, I am adding a little bit more to an already crowded plate. I am going to be removing things from my plate--and my life--that don't serve me. Things that bring me more pain then pleasure. I have a clear goal of what I want. And where I am going.
Of course, my Fitness Business will always be here. It's what I love. And I plan to continue to grow it as I work on this new project. In fact, they will work pretty well together.
Follow your heart. Even if it means letting somethings in your life go. Pay attention to how you feel. And always remember that it's okay to change course. Do what makes you happy.
Always Choose Joy.
I lead a fairly private life outside of my fitness journey online. I can count on one hand the number of people that know the details of what's happened in my family over the last 12 months. And, honestly, I prefer it that way. Because all of that isn't who I am, it doesn't define me. And when people think about me or hear my name, I don't want them to associate it with things that have happened. And let's be honest, I am a mom. Someday, my children will read what I put online. And it's my job to protect them. So, I lead a pretty private life.
For the last month, I've been dealing with this feeling that my life is unfullfilled. Yes, I have 4 amazing children, I have a growing fitness business, and a husband, and those things mean the world to me. But,I want more. I have this thirst that I haven't been able to quench. There's been this tug in my heart to do something different. Something more. And I have been ignoring it. I have a lot on my plate as a mother and wife. Not to mention everything that comes with building a business. The last thing that I wanted to do was add to my plate. But, no matter how hard I tried, that tug wouldn't lessen. In fact, even as I prepared to launch Melissa Austin Fitness, that tug became harder. More pronounced. I still brushed it off. I told myself "You are launching your fitness business. You have a million and one things that need to be dealt with. You don't have time to follow this tug." Things in my life have been extremely hard. And I have prayed about the issues lying on my mind. I asked for a sign. Something. Something to tell me that I was on the right path, and that things would get better.
Today, the tug was hard to ignore. I started thinking that maybe, just maybe this was the sign that I was looking for. So, I decided to pay attention to the tug. I took out my pen and paper and mapped out, over four pages, what it was I wanted to do. I looked up the domain name I had decided on for this project. And, it was available. The ideas continued to flow. I was excited. And for the first time in a few days, I was smiling. If that wasn't the sign I was looking for....
So, yes, I am adding a little bit more to an already crowded plate. I am going to be removing things from my plate--and my life--that don't serve me. Things that bring me more pain then pleasure. I have a clear goal of what I want. And where I am going.
Of course, my Fitness Business will always be here. It's what I love. And I plan to continue to grow it as I work on this new project. In fact, they will work pretty well together.
Follow your heart. Even if it means letting somethings in your life go. Pay attention to how you feel. And always remember that it's okay to change course. Do what makes you happy.
Always Choose Joy.
Garbage In=Garbage Out
You can't out train a bad diet. Ever. I can't tell you how many emails I get each week from people telling me that they are working out X number of hours a week, but aren't seeing progress. I always ask them to track their workouts and food for 7 days and get back with me. The outcome is almost always the same. They are working at the gym, but they are eating crap the rest of the day.
That hour you spend in the gym matters. But what matters even more is how you spend the other 23 hours in your day. You put garbage into your body, I can promise you that what you are going to get out of it is garbage.
Your body burns calories at a faster rate after a workout. You've amped up your metabolism, and that's a good thing.But, if you turn around and eat crap, you are going to undo everything that you have just done...and then some.
Proper nutrition is a key component to a healthy lifestyle. It's important to not only track your food in a food journal, but to also be aware of where you food comes from. Not all food is created equal.
You are going to get out what you put in...
Make it count
That hour you spend in the gym matters. But what matters even more is how you spend the other 23 hours in your day. You put garbage into your body, I can promise you that what you are going to get out of it is garbage.
Your body burns calories at a faster rate after a workout. You've amped up your metabolism, and that's a good thing.But, if you turn around and eat crap, you are going to undo everything that you have just done...and then some.
Proper nutrition is a key component to a healthy lifestyle. It's important to not only track your food in a food journal, but to also be aware of where you food comes from. Not all food is created equal.
You are going to get out what you put in...
Make it count
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
MMA Conditioning
As a trainer, I am always looking for new specialities to become certified in. The health and fitness industry is one that is always changing. And in order to be the best trainer that I can be, it's important for me to stay as on top of things as I can.
Which is why I am excited to be starting on NASM's MMA Conditioning Specialist Certification. That's right, I am going to be a MMA trainer. The area that I live in is full of amatur MMA fighters, and it's an area that is growing everyday. I already have some connections to the local fight scene and after talking to my connections and NASM, I made the decision to add the MMA Conditioning Specialist to my repertoire. Given the area that I currently live in, it would be stupid of me not to pursue this.
And of course, I am going to be offering MMA Conditioning Programs to clients online as well. So, if you are interested in MMA and don't have a Conditioning Specialist local, you can still get all the added benefits of training with a certified MMA Conditioning Specialist.
I will be posting details for online programs in the next week or so. I will only have a limited amount of spaces available for online clients in order to allow me time to properly work with each of you.
You can email me at to be placed on the list of interested people. Once I hammer out the details, I will email you.
Which is why I am excited to be starting on NASM's MMA Conditioning Specialist Certification. That's right, I am going to be a MMA trainer. The area that I live in is full of amatur MMA fighters, and it's an area that is growing everyday. I already have some connections to the local fight scene and after talking to my connections and NASM, I made the decision to add the MMA Conditioning Specialist to my repertoire. Given the area that I currently live in, it would be stupid of me not to pursue this.
And of course, I am going to be offering MMA Conditioning Programs to clients online as well. So, if you are interested in MMA and don't have a Conditioning Specialist local, you can still get all the added benefits of training with a certified MMA Conditioning Specialist.
I will be posting details for online programs in the next week or so. I will only have a limited amount of spaces available for online clients in order to allow me time to properly work with each of you.
You can email me at to be placed on the list of interested people. Once I hammer out the details, I will email you.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Project: Real Food
I still find myself eating processed foods more than I would like. Honestly, I need to be not eating anything processed. I have Crohns and Celiac Disease, and my insides revolt when I eat crap. I've gotten a lot better about it, but I still have a ways to go.
Starting July 16th, I am embarking on Project: Real Food. It's going to start out as a 10 day challenge to eat nothing by real food. No processed crap. None of the stuff that makes me sick. Just real, whole foods. After the 10 days, I have some bigger plans for the project. But, for now, it's best to start small.
I would love for you to join me!! The meal plans and recipes should be posted up by Wednesday of this week, to give you some time to shop and prep. And then July 16th, we start.
If you want to do the 10 day project with me, let me know. @ me on Twitter (melissa_austin), or shoot me a message on Facebook or leave a comment below. If you have a blog, please include that URL, so I can promote your posts during the 10 day project.
I can't wait to get started!
Starting July 16th, I am embarking on Project: Real Food. It's going to start out as a 10 day challenge to eat nothing by real food. No processed crap. None of the stuff that makes me sick. Just real, whole foods. After the 10 days, I have some bigger plans for the project. But, for now, it's best to start small.
I would love for you to join me!! The meal plans and recipes should be posted up by Wednesday of this week, to give you some time to shop and prep. And then July 16th, we start.
If you want to do the 10 day project with me, let me know. @ me on Twitter (melissa_austin), or shoot me a message on Facebook or leave a comment below. If you have a blog, please include that URL, so I can promote your posts during the 10 day project.
I can't wait to get started!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Melissa Austin Fitness Seeking Motivated Team Members
The economy sucks. And unfortunately, the job market is showing no signs of getting better. Which is why I decided to go out and forge my my own path. Hence, Melissa Austin Fitness.
I am offering a great opportunity for anyone who is looking for something more. If you have been thinking that maybe it's time to do something different, then this offer is for you.
I am opening up spots on my team for three people who are ready-and willing- to work hard, follow what I do, and are motivated to succeed.
Here's what I am offering:
*For the first three months, you will work closely with myself, and my two mentors (and successful business partners). We will train you, provide you with the education, tools, and resources that you need to succeed. After the three months are up, you will continue to receive one on one support from myself. At that point, you will be well on your way to earning the income and living the life that you want.
*Phone and Internet access.
*Access to Social Media (including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest)
*Willingness to follow directions received from myself and business partners
*A desire to succeed and dream big!
*Willingness to invest in your success
My business partners are 6 figure+ income earners and have hearts of gold. Because this is such an intensive program, I only am opening this up for the first three people who contact me at and complete the interview process (a short questionnaire and phone call with myself and one of my business partners).
I am looking to get some people started by the end of next week.
This is an amazing opportunity and one that I don't offer very often, so don't miss out!!
I am offering a great opportunity for anyone who is looking for something more. If you have been thinking that maybe it's time to do something different, then this offer is for you.
I am opening up spots on my team for three people who are ready-and willing- to work hard, follow what I do, and are motivated to succeed.
Here's what I am offering:
*For the first three months, you will work closely with myself, and my two mentors (and successful business partners). We will train you, provide you with the education, tools, and resources that you need to succeed. After the three months are up, you will continue to receive one on one support from myself. At that point, you will be well on your way to earning the income and living the life that you want.
*Phone and Internet access.
*Access to Social Media (including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest)
*Willingness to follow directions received from myself and business partners
*A desire to succeed and dream big!
*Willingness to invest in your success
My business partners are 6 figure+ income earners and have hearts of gold. Because this is such an intensive program, I only am opening this up for the first three people who contact me at and complete the interview process (a short questionnaire and phone call with myself and one of my business partners).
I am looking to get some people started by the end of next week.
This is an amazing opportunity and one that I don't offer very often, so don't miss out!!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
San Francisco Bay Organic Coffee K-Cups
I have had my eye on a Keurig machine for a while. I drink a lot of herbal tea and enjoy the occasional iced coffee. But, I have been holding off on buying one because A.)I don't have the room on my counter and B.)I prefer to drink Organic coffee. I am not a coffee snob by any means, but since I have celiac's and Chron's I have discovered that Organic doesn't seem to upset my stomach at all.
Well, I think my wait for the Keurig may be over! I was poking around on Amazon looking for some Green Powder (a protein powder made from greens) and I found these K-Cups from San Francisco Bay. It's Organic, Fair Trade Coffee for your Keurig.
And these things are a steal at $33 for 80 of them. (Compared to the $10+ the smaller boxes of non organic coffee K-Cups go for in stores like Wal-Mart)
They also have Breakfast Blend, French Roast, Fog Chaser, and Rainforest Blend K-Cups.
*The link above is my Amazon Affiliate Link.
P90X Challenge Starts July 20th
I am a graduate of both the P90X and P90X2 programs. I love them! P90X was the first program I did when I joined Beachbody in 2010, and I was hooked.
Which is why I am excited to be rolling out my P90X Challenge Group starting July 20th.
Here's what you get:
- P90X Workout Program
- Shakeology (Chocolate, Greenberry, Vegan Tropical Strawberry or Vegan Chocolate)
- Private Facebook Group
- 100 Shake recipes
- Free Oster Personal Blender
- Blender Bottle
- 100 Snack ideas
In addition, I am throwing in a $100 Prize at the end of the challenge*.
What's even better, is that you can now try before you buy P90X and Shakeology. For just $14.95 + applicable tax, you can get P90X, Shakeology, and a VIP Team Beachbody Membership for the cost of shipping for 30 days.**
To get started today visit my website and click the challenge button. To take advantage of the free trial offer, fill out your information and click free trial.
For everyone that purchases the P90X Challenge Pack outright, I am throwing in a free DVD.
For any questions, please email me at
*Final prize is being provided directly by Melissa Austin Fitness. Beachbody is in no way affiliated with this prize offer.
**At the end of the 30 days, you will be charged for your product according to the terms on your agreement if the product is not returned.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Body Beast: An overview
Just a couple weeks back, a brand-new program was unveiled. The product? Body Beast. Created by Sagi Kalev, a world-renowned trainer and former two time Mr. Israel, Body Beast combines extreme workouts, ground breaking nutrition, and scientifically advanced supplementation to provide you with an all natural body building program that is designed to give you 10 pounds of muscles in just 90 days.
Body Beast includes 12 different cutting edge workouts that fuse the best of old-school resistance training with a new breakthrough in sports science called Dynamic Set Training. The eating plan included will help you increase in size, maintain new muscle growth, and cut up to be in competition shape.
Why use Body Beast as opposed to the gym?
Body Beast includes 12 different cutting edge workouts that fuse the best of old-school resistance training with a new breakthrough in sports science called Dynamic Set Training. The eating plan included will help you increase in size, maintain new muscle growth, and cut up to be in competition shape.
Why use Body Beast as opposed to the gym?
- You'll get huge, at a fraction of the cost
- You're not just working muscle, you get an in-depth bodybuilding education that you can use long after you have completed the program
- The Body Beast Eating Plan shows you a healthy, delicious way to eat that will help you build muscle fast-and maintain that muscle for the long haul
- The plan also shows you how to supplement the safe, effective, and LEGAL way.
My weight loss has slowed...and I'm totally okay with that
The scale seems to be moving a little more slowly these days. But, it's been two weeks since I have seen an upward swing. It's been going the right way....just slowly.
But, this time, I am totally okay with it.
I will admit it, I was a slave to the scale. Most of the time it never told me what I wanted to see....whatever. The point is, I would bust my butt, I would feel great, but the numbers on the scale would often leave me wondering what the heck I was doing wrong? It was depressing. And enough to make me consider quitting.
But, the scale is not always an accurate way to measure your success. Sure, it wasn't moving at all. Or the wrong way. (I lost the same 3 pounds 10 times, no lie.) But, my clothes felt different. I felt different. That's when I learned that the tape measure would soon be my saving grace.
I have lost just about 11 inches overall over the last two weeks. The scale has been moving a little more slowly then I would like, but I feel better then I have in a while. So, I am okay with the slowdown.
My husband, who never notices if I lose pounds, noticed that I am losing inches. In his words "You have a figure. And it's not round." I have more muscle definition as well.
My weight is coming off...slowly. But, I like the way I feel now. And feeling good is so much better then any number on the scale.
But, this time, I am totally okay with it.
I will admit it, I was a slave to the scale. Most of the time it never told me what I wanted to see....whatever. The point is, I would bust my butt, I would feel great, but the numbers on the scale would often leave me wondering what the heck I was doing wrong? It was depressing. And enough to make me consider quitting.
But, the scale is not always an accurate way to measure your success. Sure, it wasn't moving at all. Or the wrong way. (I lost the same 3 pounds 10 times, no lie.) But, my clothes felt different. I felt different. That's when I learned that the tape measure would soon be my saving grace.
I have lost just about 11 inches overall over the last two weeks. The scale has been moving a little more slowly then I would like, but I feel better then I have in a while. So, I am okay with the slowdown.
My husband, who never notices if I lose pounds, noticed that I am losing inches. In his words "You have a figure. And it's not round." I have more muscle definition as well.
My weight is coming off...slowly. But, I like the way I feel now. And feeling good is so much better then any number on the scale.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Weight Loss Starts Mentally
Sure, you can decide one day to lace up your running shoes and run. You can decide to join a gym, purchase a home program. Whatever. You can do those things. But, I can promise you that more than likely you won't find success. Not because you can't hack it. But because before you can attack the physical aspect of losing weight, you have to attack the mental aspect of losing weight.
Losing weight is, in my opinion, more mental than anything. It's a constant battle, everyday, to keep your head in the game and hold onto the ever fleeting motivation. I know this first hand. For me, going to the gym is easy. I just go. But, it's the mental part that gets me. Sure, I can walk into that gym, but if mentally I don't want to be there, it's going to show. I am not going to work as hard as I should. I may cut my workout short. I can't tell you how many times I have had an argument with myself in the gym. But, it's on those days, when walking up the stairs seems like a bad idea and going home would be easier, that I know that I need to be there.
But, you have to get to that point. You have to get to the point where you want to be in the gym or workout to the DVD more than you want to quit. You have to want it. Mentally you have to tell yourself that you are all in. Just as it's important to show up physically, you have to show up mentally. Everyday. No matter what.
No matter how hard you physically work, if you aren't in it mentally, it isn't happening. So, stop the negative self-talk. Tell yourself that you are worth it. When you're tired, tell yourself you aren't. And when you get to the point where you don't think you can do one more rep, do it. Then do another one.
You CAN do this.
Losing weight is, in my opinion, more mental than anything. It's a constant battle, everyday, to keep your head in the game and hold onto the ever fleeting motivation. I know this first hand. For me, going to the gym is easy. I just go. But, it's the mental part that gets me. Sure, I can walk into that gym, but if mentally I don't want to be there, it's going to show. I am not going to work as hard as I should. I may cut my workout short. I can't tell you how many times I have had an argument with myself in the gym. But, it's on those days, when walking up the stairs seems like a bad idea and going home would be easier, that I know that I need to be there.
But, you have to get to that point. You have to get to the point where you want to be in the gym or workout to the DVD more than you want to quit. You have to want it. Mentally you have to tell yourself that you are all in. Just as it's important to show up physically, you have to show up mentally. Everyday. No matter what.
No matter how hard you physically work, if you aren't in it mentally, it isn't happening. So, stop the negative self-talk. Tell yourself that you are worth it. When you're tired, tell yourself you aren't. And when you get to the point where you don't think you can do one more rep, do it. Then do another one.
You CAN do this.
Sugar Detox Program
Sugar is, honestly, legal crack. It leaves our bodies wanting more...and more. We add copious amounts of sugars to our coffees, we consume numerous cans or bottles of soda a day. The list goes on and on.
Consuming so much sugar leads to diabetes and excessive weight gain. It can lead to problems with the Thyroid and with the digestive system. It causes unsafe blood sugar rises and crashes. And, it's part of a dangerous cycle. But, it's a cycle that can be broken.
Starting July 10th, I am offering a free 21 day Sugar Detox Program. With this program you will be able to finally ditch the sugar addiction and live a healthier life.
Included in this program is my Free Sugar Detox E-book, recipes, and coaching from me.
To sign up, please send an email to with Sugar Detox in the subject line.
Consuming so much sugar leads to diabetes and excessive weight gain. It can lead to problems with the Thyroid and with the digestive system. It causes unsafe blood sugar rises and crashes. And, it's part of a dangerous cycle. But, it's a cycle that can be broken.
Starting July 10th, I am offering a free 21 day Sugar Detox Program. With this program you will be able to finally ditch the sugar addiction and live a healthier life.
Included in this program is my Free Sugar Detox E-book, recipes, and coaching from me.
To sign up, please send an email to with Sugar Detox in the subject line.
Ultimate Reset Challenge Group Starting July 15th
With the Beachbody Ultimate Reset™ you get these benefits:
- Stronger immune system
- Increased energy and more endurance
- Better digestion, metabolism and weight loss
- A more positive mood and mental clarity
This reset is NOT a harsh cleanse or one that requires you to drink dangerous shakes or take pills. With the Reset, you will eat REAL, WHOLE, and CLEAN foods.
During the 21 day reset, you will not be doing any strenuous work-outs. You can do things such as Yoga or Walking. But nothing more than that because your body is already going to be working hard at resetting itself.
Check out these success stories for proof that the Reset Works!
Several people have already completed their 21 day Reset and have experienced great results!
By joining a Reset Challenge Group you will receive the following:
- Facebook Accountability Group. Private group to help keep you accountable, answer questions and share your experience
- Coaching from me. Not only during the Challenge, but after as well. I will continue to be your coach for as long as you want me to be.
- Access to Team Beachbody tools and message boards.
- A free-fitness E-book
- 100 Shakeology Recipes
- A free Oyster Personal Blender
You will also be eligible to win cash prizes in the Transformation Challenge!
For more information, please check out my Reset Website or email me at
Sunday, July 1, 2012
And Then They Laughed
"I want to compete in a figure competition." No sooner were those words out of my mouth when I started regretting ever uttering them. My proclamation was, at first, met with blank stares. Looks of confusion (and in some cases, horror) washed over their faces. Then, as my words sunk in, smiles crept across their faces.
And then, they laughed.
It wasn't that I didn't expect some sort of negativity. Over the past few years, this particular group of people have been anything but supportive of me in any aspect of my life. Be it personal or professional. But, I was excited. And I have been making huge strides in my weight loss journey. And I wanted them to see that I was serious about this. But, they laughed.
At first, I thought they were laughing because they didn't believe me. I mean, how does a quiet, obese girl from the midwest turn into a wanna-be figure competitor? Especially this girl from the midwest? I thought that maybe, just maybe their laughter was just the initial disbelief that I would do something so out of the ordinary for me.
But, as their laughter subsided, the reasoning behind their laughter was made public. And it wasn't disbelief that sent them into fits of laughter.
"You are going to fail." "What makes you think you are competition material?" "You will never be able to achieve what it is you are going for." "Let's just get a big mac and call it day." "No one wants to see you in a two piece, trust me." The list went on. And on. (In fact, two days late, I am still receiving text messages and emails from people who are trying to talk me out of this. Lest I embarrass, not myself, but them.
Normally, this would have sent me into hiding. I would have backed out of wanting to compete. Scaled back on my workouts and said "You're right." But, not this time.
It's been two years since I started my journey to a happier and healthier me. It's taken me two years to get to this point. The point where I believe enough in myself to do something so out of the box.
And you know what? I don't care that they laughed. And are still laughing.
Because in 2013, when I walk across that stage in front of them and everyone else (this is one of the reasons I chose IL as the place to compete...) it's going to be me laughing.
And then, they laughed.
It wasn't that I didn't expect some sort of negativity. Over the past few years, this particular group of people have been anything but supportive of me in any aspect of my life. Be it personal or professional. But, I was excited. And I have been making huge strides in my weight loss journey. And I wanted them to see that I was serious about this. But, they laughed.
At first, I thought they were laughing because they didn't believe me. I mean, how does a quiet, obese girl from the midwest turn into a wanna-be figure competitor? Especially this girl from the midwest? I thought that maybe, just maybe their laughter was just the initial disbelief that I would do something so out of the ordinary for me.
But, as their laughter subsided, the reasoning behind their laughter was made public. And it wasn't disbelief that sent them into fits of laughter.
"You are going to fail." "What makes you think you are competition material?" "You will never be able to achieve what it is you are going for." "Let's just get a big mac and call it day." "No one wants to see you in a two piece, trust me." The list went on. And on. (In fact, two days late, I am still receiving text messages and emails from people who are trying to talk me out of this. Lest I embarrass, not myself, but them.
Normally, this would have sent me into hiding. I would have backed out of wanting to compete. Scaled back on my workouts and said "You're right." But, not this time.
It's been two years since I started my journey to a happier and healthier me. It's taken me two years to get to this point. The point where I believe enough in myself to do something so out of the box.
And you know what? I don't care that they laughed. And are still laughing.
Because in 2013, when I walk across that stage in front of them and everyone else (this is one of the reasons I chose IL as the place to compete...) it's going to be me laughing.
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