Monday, August 2, 2010

New Month-New Perspective

Life is not always easy. Nor is it always fair. Sometimes we have to deal with things that we would rather not deal with. That is where I am. Right now.

But I am learning that I am stronger than I give myself credit for. I am learning that I can't change what has happened, but I can change how I think, and what I do, going forward.

I am ready to meet this new month with a positive outlook. I have taken the option for failure off of the table. The only option is success.

I will succeed.

In 20 days (or is it 18?) I will be running my very first 10k. I am excited. But more nervous. I am not expecting to place very well in this race, but it will be rewarding to atleast finish it.

I am down 5 pounds since starting my "diet" and am pretty dang proud of myself. Especially considering I am an emotional eater, and some of the things that I have had to deal with, would normally cause me to overeat, but I am learning to deal with those triggers.

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